Valentine's Day and its history

In the third century in Rome, Claudius II (268-270), the Gothic, enacted a law that "prohibited the marriage of young men who enlisted in the army". Faced with such a controversial law, a young priest named Valentin not only opposed it, but also began to celebrate marriages in secret, defying what was imposed to benefit lovers. As always happens, he was discovered and immediately sent to a dungeon. His sentence was "To be stoned and beheaded". But before fulfilling his final destiny, a jailer in charge of his custody, named Asterius, put Valentin's Christian faith to the test by asking him to restore the sight of his daughter Julia, who had been born blind. To the pagan's surprise, the miracle happened and according to legend, "Julia had eyes to see life and Valentine fell in love with her." It is said that before he was murdered, he wrote a farewell letter to Julia that ended with "from your Valentine." Despite the miracle, on February 14, 269 AD, Valentine was stoned to death and beheaded. They say that to remember him, Julia planted an almond tree with pink flowers that, since then, have been the symbol of pure love.
In the year 494, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14, the day of his martyrdom, as Valentine's Day. He was buried on the outskirts of Rome, on the Via Flaminia, -later known as Saint Valentine's Gate-, his tomb became a place of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages. In 1969, under the pontificate of Paul VI and after the Second Vatican Council, Saint Valentine was removed from the Catholic calendar due to doubts about the pagan origin of its history. Since then, the Church dedicated February 14 to the invocation of various saints, becoming a date with a saint, but without a celebration. For his part, a few years ago Pope Francis reconciled the Church with February 14, organizing a symbolic act with couples from all over the world to claim marriage.
Although this is the "romantic" story of Valentine, there is a darker version that tells that every February, in ancient Rome, the Lupercal festivals were celebrated, in honor of Luperco, god of fertility. On this sacred date for the Romans, great orgies, fertility rituals and sexual debauchery were carried out for men and women alike. In the year 380 the church begins to put an end to all these pagan celebrations considered sinful and lascivious to Christianity. Thus, Valentín was chosen to eradicate the Lupercal festivals in February. By papal opinion, at the end of the 5th century, Valentine's Day was established on February 14.
The truth is that either because of the Lupercal festivities or a saint in love, from the 20th century, the rise of this date was also -and is-, synonymous with consumerism in the name of love. Lovers celebrate love and, it is already known that love, as they say, “is eternal while it lasts”. So enjoy it while you have it.
Gifts, flowers, toasts and Happy Valentine's Day!!
In the year 494, Pope Gelasius I declared February 14, the day of his martyrdom, as Valentine's Day. He was buried on the outskirts of Rome, on the Via Flaminia, -later known as Saint Valentine's Gate-, his tomb became a place of pilgrimage during the Middle Ages. In 1969, under the pontificate of Paul VI and after the Second Vatican Council, Saint Valentine was removed from the Catholic calendar due to doubts about the pagan origin of its history. Since then, the Church dedicated February 14 to the invocation of various saints, becoming a date with a saint, but without a celebration. For his part, a few years ago Pope Francis reconciled the Church with February 14, organizing a symbolic act with couples from all over the world to claim marriage.
Although this is the "romantic" story of Valentine, there is a darker version that tells that every February, in ancient Rome, the Lupercal festivals were celebrated, in honor of Luperco, god of fertility. On this sacred date for the Romans, great orgies, fertility rituals and sexual debauchery were carried out for men and women alike. In the year 380 the church begins to put an end to all these pagan celebrations considered sinful and lascivious to Christianity. Thus, Valentín was chosen to eradicate the Lupercal festivals in February. By papal opinion, at the end of the 5th century, Valentine's Day was established on February 14.
The truth is that either because of the Lupercal festivities or a saint in love, from the 20th century, the rise of this date was also -and is-, synonymous with consumerism in the name of love. Lovers celebrate love and, it is already known that love, as they say, “is eternal while it lasts”. So enjoy it while you have it.
Gifts, flowers, toasts and Happy Valentine's Day!!